Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I hate you.
You think I love you but I don't. I don't because you don't love me, and that ship has way sailed. You guys are backstabbers, and manipulators. And you'll all spend the rest of the afternoon telling me I'm crazy and mouthy, that this is simply not true. But it is. And you were all meant for each other. I wanted to belong. But to friends who don't want me? You want to be written about yet...you treat me like shit. You treat each other like shit. I can't write about that. You make my not-job so hard. I couldn't bear to write what the Book really says. I couldn't bear to lose the people I've never had. So what am I gonna do? What am I gonna say, what am I not gonna say. I can't trust any of you and worst of all, you could care less. You are liars, and addicts. Viruses and heroes. You think I don't hate you. But I'm not so sure.

Today I'm sick. I'm in need. If you know of what, gimme a text. Otherwise, just let me know when your shows and practices are. I'll write about them. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone the kind of people you really are.


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