How perfect. What a more fitting way to end a book than a blow-my-mind random, are you sure that really just happened few days. Oh this book...the places it's been with me! I should start by mentioning that there were 3 more pages in it to manuscript, but as fate would have it I was in need to rip them out to jot down license and insurance information for the accident I got in on the Cross Island. I tried hard not to be upset, but some mouthy tow truck man spoke to me like I was 12 because I was a girl and told me my car would blow up if I drove it. I ran to Mike when he came to sit with me and take me home. He was the bfg in the beginning of this book, and despite murky middle pages, I'm so lucky to see him in the end of it.
I think we are just in love with being in love with our youth. Mike decided that coming to a party would make me feel better, actually he decided that seeing certain people at this party would make me feel better, plus he wanted guaranteed sidekickness, so...a few hours later I was exhausted but outfitted and on my way to Jason Aron's with 3/5 of This Condition.
I'm not sure the party was what I expected, but the faces there did bring me back to my own reality. If twitter allowed longer post I would have @replied Mike, Nate, Ant, SOK, Jay, Devin Wore Black, Sam Wore Black and Ashley, Kevin, RobStereo, Bri Bri (as a wasted birthday boy), Chris Parking, CalLiveStereo, and Jason Aron. And the police. The scene was questionable, if not entertaining and the highlights in my memory include, Mike going ahead with his beer pong shot with a 22-yr old ID, Nate's big blue mouthiness, those girls that were freaking out, suggesting Devin offer the cop a beer, Rob asking Kev to try to shut Brian up in Jason's room, suggesting we bribe the cops with Jason's We The Kings and Boys Like Girls stuff for their daughters, and of course, Jason bumping into the cop so that the IDs flew across the room and fell all over Sean O'Kane and into the couch cushions. Niice. After people had fled the party seemed significantly more chill. We got highly entertained by a mix of Devin and Cal, who told me his name was short for California and that he played guitar in Panic at the Disco. I called it even since I had him believing I sung for a band called Stereo Skyline. Although we all hugged each other (again) like we would never see each other again...I found myself amongst them all at the one and only Valet Parking Taco Bell. Here I laughed as girls giggled to recognize Mr. Stereo, Jay and Mike held cheese in their drunken beards as they held serious conversations, and Chris Parking initiated conversation with some girl with, "wow, how's your sister?" Kevin ate 3 meals. Chris gestured with a full cup of soda in his hand. Rob, Brian, and Cal almost ran us over in the parking lot, and I got plenty of silly attention.
An estranged wise man once said,
"I am the NOTEBOOK." -Pablo Picasso
I am these stories, in these books, with these words. And so with a smile, a wink, and a lyric, I sign off one more time saying love only and god bless the scene girls.
"Weightless" by: All Time Low
"Young Hollywood" by: More Amor
"I Wanna" by: All American Rejects
"Five Tens in Harlem" by: Stereo Skyline
"new song" by: This Condition
"Ocean" by: Score 24
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