Sunday, October 11, 2009

Am I too dirty? Am I too flirty? Do you like what I like?

I'm avoiding the 2 things I actually have to be writing and watching Pats-Broncos instead. No, I do not want to talk about the Red Sox. In fact don't mention them to me until April, which is when I'll probably stop wanting to march J-Pap to the guillotine. Dammnit! My friends say I have anger issues, but I just don't see it. Anyways, a friend recently wrote a rather introductory tumblr of himself. I thought maybe I should do the same, so here's 20 things you may know about me, but probably don't.

1.) Hardly anyone calls me Erica. They call me Terica, short for Tericadactyl. Or Ricky, or just Rick. Or Ica, E-Mart, Casey, or Mikey. Fun fact; when I was 4 years old I wanted to be called Cindy and refused to answer to anything else. My mother got questioned on the premises of abduction after a hissy fit in Toys-R-Us. But it wasn't my fault, I was Cindy. Not Erica.

2.) I'm deeply addicted to coffee, though sometimes I quit long enough to give attention to the Captain.

3.) I've read To Kill A Mockingbird 6 times. It's my favorite.

4.) There are 4 bleecher seats from the old Fenway Park bolted into my parents' living room floor. They threw out a church pew to make room for them.

5.) I'm really bad at telling stories, audibly. There's really only one person who always pretends to listen anyways.

6.) I choreographed every song on Madonna's Immaculate Collection and performed them on my grandmother's porch the summer I was 6 years old. In September, my mom put me in dance classes.

7.) I am the friendliest psychopath you'll ever meet.

8.) As a toddler I had plenty of stuffed animals, but I carried around a baseball card of Jesse Barfield. I have no idea where I got it and he wasn't a Red Sox so idk why my dad let me keep it, but when I fell and skinned my knees I'd cry for "My Jesse."

9.) I always have holes in my tights. Nate says, never trust a girl with no holes in her tights.

10.) I say "Nate says" a lot.

11.) I have a secret obsession with Peter Cetera. OMg I love him.

12.) I was blue when I was born. Very blue. And I had a full head of spiky black hair that just wouldn't go any where's but up. My uncle coined me the Punk Rocker. My mom says it was foreshadowing.

13.) I fall in love easily. Radio lets me know when it's only a crush.

14.-15.) I like the color yellow and watching the same movies over and over again.

16.) I ask too many questions.

17.) I act out a lot too.

18.) When things get really bad, and I'm too confused, I run away. To Boston, my favorite place in the world and the only city I'll ever trust. I like the air, I like the cobblestone. I like walking Newbury Street on Saturday nights.

19.) I believe with my whole heart in things you think are ordinary.

20.) I once ran over my little brother with a go-cart. He was kinda mad at me.

Now you know me. Or at least it's a start.

"Grace Kelly" by: Mika

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